
Towards Better Hearing 

 Parempaa Kuuloa Kaikille

Finnish research group focusing on the diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of hearing loss

This research group has been working actively at the Kuopio University Hospital since 2008. We are a multi-professional team that cooperates with researchers and companies internationally. We are formed by professional researchers, medical doctors, and professionals in the fields of technology and physics. We develop new innovations for diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of hearing loss, as well as methods for better and safer otosurgery. In addition, we investigate new methods in the field of temporal bone's anatomy, imaging and modeling.

On this website, you can explore our group's activities, ongoing projects and our collaborators.

Our aim

  • To raise awareness of the benefits of hearing rehabilitation 
  • To produce new innovations for hearing impairment diagnostics and rehabilitation, otosurgery and the imaging of temporal bone 
  • To develop new, individually designed treatments for hearing loss